[tlhIngan Hol] <<poSayDon>> vImughlI'

Brian Cote wearetheinformation00 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 15 18:34:22 PST 2017

Thanks again. I do have some more specific grammar / usage
questions about the following sentences that I translated.

ej vaj ghaH QeHqu'moH qechna'vam 'ej bI'reS Qu'DajvaD
ghaH parqu'moH.

Disregarding your suggestions for recasting these sentences
for the moment.

{bI'reS} - I was intending to use it as a time stamp, as in
 the {paq'batlh}, however, I'm thinking {wa'DIch} might have
been more appropriate here.

{Qu'DajvaD ghaH parqu'moH} - I'll explain my thinking here.
 I was intending to write /(this idea specifically) caused him to
really dislike his duty/. I based this on the example of
 {paqvaD qanejmoH}, but as I'm currently writing this,
 I'm realizing that this probably falls under the category of
the "prefix trick", correct? I was thinking that {ghaH} would be
 the explicit direct object and {Qu'Daj} would be the explicit
 indirect object. This obviously didn't work, correct?


On Sunday, January 15, 2017, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:

> On 1/14/2017 8:10 PM, Brian Cote wrote:
> roD bIQ yu'eghDaq lIgh, DuQwI' jeqbogh che'wI' nuH'e' 'ochtaHvIS,
> 'e' luHar ghot law'. 'ej vaj ghaH QeHqu'moH qechna'vam 'ej bI'reS
> Qu'DajvaD ghaH parqu'moH.
> >What irritated him most — and it was this that was chiefly responsible
> for his dissatisfaction with his job — was to hear of the conceptions
> formed about him: how he was always riding about through the tides
> with his trident.
> I'm still having trouble following this; I think you're sticking too
> closely to the literal text and not thinking in Klingon about what it means.
> *Many people believed he rode regularly on the water-waves, while holding *[I
> think you meant *'uch,* not *'och*] *the ruler's weapon which protrudes
> from spikes. And thus this definite idea made him very angry and it made
> the beginning of his job presentation very much dislike.*
> I'm pretty sure you got a couple of subjects and objects mixed up there.
> Try taking this paragraph apart in English (or German) into the simplest
> sentences you can, and list them in bullet-points. Use these points to
> create your Klingon sentences.
> yuQ bIQ'a'Daq ba'taHvIS, SImtaH. 'e' 'oH ghu' teH'e'. rut yupItIr
> SuchmeH, leng poSayDon. 'e' 'oH DaltaHbe'ghachDaj neH'e'.
> motlh cheghtaHvIS, QeH.
> >When all the while he sat here in the depths of the world-ocean,
> doing figures uninterruptedly, with now and then a trip to Jupiter
> as the only break in the monotony — a trip, moreover, from which
> he usually returned in a rage.
> *DaltaHbe'ghach** break in the monotony*... very nice!
> I'm not going to say that *'e' 'oH **something**'e'* is necessarily
> wrong, but it feels wrong to me. You could replace the first one, for
> instance, with *ghu' teH 'oH ghu'vam'e'** this situation is the true
> situation.* But really you could probably reduce this to using *-bej* in
> the sentence.
> This paragraph is a little less convoluted than the first, but it could
> still use some working over.
> --
> SuStelhttp://trimboli.name
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