[tlhIngan Hol] Whether

André Müller esperantist at gmail.com
Mon Jun 10 18:03:23 PDT 2024

But {Sov} and {SIv} don't work the same way. It is stated that {SIv} can be
used after {'e'} and then explicitly can be translated as "to wonder if".
The semantics of the verb allow this reading.
Not so with {Sov}. Here you'd have a question as the object, which isn't
allowed in Klingon.

chabwIj nIHpu' Mike 'e' vISovbe'
> I don't know whether Mike stole my pie.
I don't accept this translation.
That sentence can only mean:
"I don't know that Mike stole my pie."
(or perhaps in a more usual context "I didn't know that...")

Think of {SIv} as "I want to know the truth value of the sentence..." which
is essentially what "wonder if" means. {Sov} doesn't seem to have that
particular reading.

— André / Vortarulo
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