[tlhIngan Hol] Go and come, know, impersonal verbs

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Mon Apr 10 07:27:43 PDT 2023

Am 09.04.2023 um 18:56 schrieb De'vID via tlhIngan-Hol:
> I don't know if {'eq}/{paS} can be used for the time sense of
> "early/late in the day". The only instances of its usage I'm aware of
> has a person as the subject.

Since luis had a comparison to German language, remember this:

there are 2 meanings of the English word "be late/be early"

- The first refers to time in the day, like the evening being late. In
German "Es ist spät" and "wir sehen uns spät heute abend"

- The second is when you have missed something or your planning is out
of time. In German, this is usually expressed by adding "zu" (too) as in
"zu spät" or you say "ich bin spät dran". This is a common error that
beginners make when speaking German. When you are late for an
appointment, the host would NOT say "du bist spät", they would say "du
bist zu spät." In other words, in German, a person can not literally "be

 From the canon examples, it seems like {paS} is used more like the
second version, like when missing an appointment or being behind
schedule. You probably wouldn't use it to refer to the time of the day,
as in "oh, it's late".

My guess is that in Klingon, this is expressed by saying something like
{Dor pem} or similar.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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