[tlhIngan Hol] expressing "lyre"

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Sep 24 06:53:46 PDT 2021

Okrand describes Klingon string instruments thus:

(KGT 76):  Finally, a fourth type of instrument is one with strings, a {HurDagh}. Each string is a {SIrgh}, a word also used for any thread or filament... To produce music, one may either pluck ({pang}) or strum ({yach}, which also means “stroke” or “pet”) the strings. The tone produced is varied by touching the string or strings at various points while plucking or strumming. The verb used for this, perhaps translatable as “to finger”, is the same as the one used for wind instruments: {Heng}. The word {HurDagh} refers to any of these stringed instruments, of which there are several different types, the most commonly found being the relatively small {Supghew}. The midsize {leSpal} is fairly widely used, while the large {tIngDagh} is rarely heard except in conjunction with the performance of an opera.
Note that Okrand does not mention the presence (or absence) of necks, sounding/resonating bowls, tuning pegs, frets, etc.  So until we have more information feel free to pick one.  (Are there any hints in the mass of new words released over the past 2 or 3 years?)

FYI DloraH (Roger Cheesbro) used {Supghew} for lyre in his published version of Gilgamesh – i.e. {ghIlghameS} : A Klingon Translation, 2000) – so there is precedent.

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
From: mayqel qunen'oS
Does anyone have any ideas as to how we could express the musical instrument "lyre"?

There's the {HurDagh} (n) "stringed instrument (general term)", {Supghew} (n) "type of stringed instrument", {leSpal} (n) "type of stringed instrument", and {tIngDagh} (n) "type of stringed instrument".

Does something of the above correspond to the lyre, or should I use the time-honored approach of writing *lyre*, and be done with it?

On the other hand, if one of the above corresponded to "harp", I could shove a {-Hom} up its' rear end, and get the job done.

But is there something which corresponds to "harp"?
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