[tlhIngan Hol] expressing "lyre"

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Sep 24 07:02:26 PDT 2021

On 9/24/2021 9:53 AM, Steven Boozer wrote:
> (KGT 76): Finally, a fourth type of instrument is one with strings, a 
> {*HurDagh}*. Each string is a {*SIrgh}*, a word also used for any 
> thread or filament... To produce music, one may either pluck 
> ({*pang}*) or strum ({*yach}*, which also means “/stroke”/ or “/pet”/) 
> the strings. The tone produced is varied by touching the string or 
> strings at various points while plucking or strumming. The verb used 
> for this, perhaps translatable as “/to finger”/, is the same as the 
> one used for wind instruments: {*Heng}*. The word {*HurDagh}* refers 
> to any of these stringed instruments, of which there are several 
> different types, the most commonly found being the relatively small 
> {*Supghew}*. The midsize {*leSpal}* is fairly widely used, while the 
> large {*tIngDagh}* is rarely heard except in conjunction with the 
> performance of an opera.
> Note that Okrand does not mention the presence (or absence) of necks, 
> sounding/resonating bowls, tuning pegs, frets, etc.  So until we have 
> more information feel free to pick one.  (Are there any hints in the 
> mass of new words released over the past 2 or 3 years?)
Not instruments of the plucking kind, but qepHom 2019 gave us *ngItHel,* 
a stringed instrument that is played with a *ngItHel naQ,* a bow. I 
guess that it is a class of instrument rather than a specific one, so a 
violin and a double bass are both *ngItHel. *Presumably, one can also 
*pang* the *SIrgh* of a *ngItHel. *Otherwise, I see nothing that 
obviously touches on this.

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