[tlhIngan Hol] *moH* with verbs of state / quality

luis.chaparro at web.de luis.chaparro at web.de
Mon Nov 15 10:47:26 PST 2021

Thank you for your quick reply!


> -choH is used to indicate a change of state occurring. Without -choH (or a verb whose meaning includes the concept of a change), no change of state occurs.


> choQuchmoH
> I am happy, and it's because of you.
> choQuchchoHmoH
> You make me go from unhappy to happy.

I think I understand what you mean. If we want to say that someone teaches somebody else Klingon grammar (as a general fact), we could say:

*ghaHvaD tlhIngan Hol pab ghojmoH*

But if I want to say that someone couldn't understand the Klingon grammar, but with someone else's help she or he can now understand, we could say:

*ghaHvaD tlhIngan Hol pab ghojchoHmoH*

However, I still cannot understand this other canon example: *DaH jIbwIj vISay'nISmoH*. Shouldn't it be here *vISay'nISchoHmoH*? I'm afraid I'm not really understanding it yet...

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