[tlhIngan Hol] maS'e' loQ So'be'bogh QIb
Will Martin
willmartin2 at mac.com
Fri Jun 11 07:10:49 PDT 2021
It’s been my intentional habit for some time now that I’m less interested in saying anything authoritatively right than I am in prompting others who know better than myself to clarify details that have, thus far in the discussion, been left unexplored.
Thank you for providing that clarification.
This group is rich with well-informed minds and tools to polish our understanding of the language beyond the degree of detail any single person’s skill, least of all, mine.
charghwI’ vaghnerya’ngan
rInpa’ bomnIS be’’a’ pI’.
> On Jun 11, 2021, at 9:52 AM, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:
> On 6/11/2021 9:38 AM, Will Martin wrote:
>> But in any case, the whole point here is that in English, we have the noun phrase “Crescent Moon”, sometimes referred to as “The Moon in Crescent”, while in Klingon, we have the fossilized Relative Clause {maS’e’ loQ So’be’bogh QIb} to have that same meaning.
> I'm sorry, how did you determine that maS'e' loQ So'be'bogh QIb is a fossilized phrase? I mean, it might be, but what evidence supports that determination?
> Context:
> nuH'e' qengbogh mangghomvam
> luDel 'e' ra' molor
> lujang maS'e' loQ So'be'bogh QIb lurur
> Molor asks them
> What weapons this army carries,
> They reply, shaped as the crescent moon.
> (Honestly, I find the other things happening in this stanza to be more interesting. jang is back to being a verb of saying. ra' is clearly not one, and is translated (from) ask. The lu- in luDel is apparently an error, unless the text is considering nuH as a singular class of weapons rather than plural weapons, which would make nuH more complicated than we knew or would introduce a new "class" interpretation of nouns.)
> --
> SuStel
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