[tlhIngan Hol] -vaD and -moHlaH

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Apr 6 06:00:21 PDT 2021

On 4/6/2021 8:08 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> mu'tlhegh rapDaq {-vaD} {-moH} je vIlo'taHvIS, pIjHa' {-moH} qengbogh 
> wotDaq latlh mojaq vIlan.
> vaj qen jISIvchoHpu'..
> jIqon:
> Ha'DIbaHvaD mo' vI'elmoH
> I cause the animal to enter the cage
> 'ej DaH jIqon:
> Ha'DIbaHvaD mo' vI'ellaHmoH
> jatlhbej mu'tlheghvam: "I'm able to cause the animal to enter the cage".

Your suffixes are out of order. This must be *vI'elmoHlaH.*

> 'a fse mu'tlhegh veb jatlhlaH'a' je?
> "I cause the animal to be able to enter the cage"

*Ha'DIbaHvaD mo' vI'elmoHlaH* can be interpreted /I am able to cause the 
animal to enter the cage/ and /I cause the animal to be able to enter 
the cage./ Context tells you which one is the intended meaning.

Most of the time, aside from context, I'd interpret suffixes after the 
*-moH* as applying to the subject of the verb, the causer. (The order of 
suffixes is not completely arbitrary; there are reasons behind it.) But 
I would be willing to do otherwise if prompted.


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