[tlhIngan Hol] -vaD and -moHlaH

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Apr 6 05:08:37 PDT 2021

mu'tlhegh rapDaq {-vaD} {-moH} je vIlo'taHvIS, pIjHa' {-moH} qengbogh
wotDaq latlh mojaq vIlan.

vaj qen jISIvchoHpu'..


Ha'DIbaHvaD mo' vI'elmoH
I cause the animal to enter the cage

'ej DaH jIqon:

Ha'DIbaHvaD mo' vI'ellaHmoH

jatlhbej mu'tlheghvam: "I'm able to cause the animal to enter the cage".

'a fse mu'tlhegh veb jatlhlaH'a' je?

"I cause the animal to be able to enter the cage"

chaq nap muSIvmoHbogh Sojvam, 'a jatlh 'amerI'qa'nganpu': < DaQanlu' pagh
DaQoSchoHmoHlu'; qaq DuH wa'. >

'ej lughchu' 'amerI'qa'nganpu'.

~ Dana'an
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