[tlhIngan Hol] beware greeks bearing gifts

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 08:34:27 PST 2020

> I like this translation with its ambiguous
> head noun, since it also means “Beware
> the gifts that a Greek brings you,”

qatlho', 'a bong qaSpu'..

{'elaDya'ngan}Daq {-'e'} vIlanpu' 'e' vIHech, 'a jIlIjba'pu'.

DaH jItuHnISqa'..

mu'tlheghvam vImugh wa'DIch 'e' vIlum, 'ej ghIq pab lugh vIlo'laHbe'.

'o ghe''or Qunpu' quv ! chay' yo' qIj vImuvlaH, jIyepHa'chugh ? chay'
ngoSbogh veqlargh mInDu' vIjunlaH ? chay' ? chay' ?

ghay'cha' ! Qu'vatlh !

~ 'elaDya'ngan
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