[tlhIngan Hol] loQ tlhIngan Hol jatlh lIr'el

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 00:45:14 PST 2019

On Fri, 1 Feb 2019 at 09:30, Felix Malmenbeck <felixm at kth.se> wrote:

> > {mumISmoHpu'bogh Daq Hujqu' vItu'pu'.}
> > I have come upon a very strange site [sic] which has left me perplexed.
> Is that a [sic]? I figure she means "site" in the sense of "location",
> which would match the Klingon, as well.
Yes, I put a "[sic]" there in case anyone thinks it's a typo for "sight".
"I have come upon a strange sight" also makes sense in English.

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