[tlhIngan Hol] Qongchu', ngavyaw' mach

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Dec 10 07:51:56 PST 2019

toH, DaH <ngavyaw'> mung wISov!  (Though I still haven't figured out if it's a pun.)


-----Original Message-----
From: Lieven L. Litaer

a while ago, De'vID pointed me to this German author who published his bedtime story in over sixty languages as a bilingual book. It was quickly decided that this needs to be done in Klingon, and now I can proudly tell you that it's finished.

It's a very short story and absolutely not related to Klingons, but if you are searching for a special christmas gift, or just like to read a Klingon story to your toddler, this is certainly a good thing to have.

The most notable fact is that it's available in any possible combination of those sixty languages. So if you wish to have it Persian-Klingon, just go to the website and order your book.

More details and links can be found in the Klingon Wiki:

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