[tlhIngan Hol] {-moH} and two things instead of three
sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Mar 21 06:57:05 PDT 2018
On 3/21/2018 9:40 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> What would happen though, if we had only two things ? "the vulcans,
> caused the federation to accept them (the "them" referring to
> themselves, the vulcans)". Here we have only two things: the
> federation and the vulcans.
> So how would we say that ? Instinctively, I would write:
> {yuQjIjDI'vI'vaD vulqanganpu' lajmoH vulqanganpu'}
> But, my problem is, that the {vulqanganpu'} which precedes and follows
> the {lajmoH} is the same, i.e. it refers to the same people.
> As I understand it, the "they-them" zero-prefix, is to be used only
> when the "they" is other than the "them".
Your understanding is flawed. When an entity is both the doer of an
action and the done upon, you use one of the reflexive suffixes to
indicate this, and the entity is the subject. *jIqIp'egh jIH*/I hit
myself. /When an entity is both the causer and the one caused to do the
action, you use one of the reflexive suffixes. *mabom'eghmoH maH*/We
cause each other to sing. /But in your example you have the same entity
as the causer and the done upon, which is not one of the times you use a
reflexive suffix. So your instincts are correct.
If you don't like having the same entity on both sides of a single verb,
do something like this: *vulqanganpu' laj yuQjIjDIvI' 'e' qaSmoH
vulqanganpu'.* Or go with a syntactic noun: *vulqanganpu'mo'
vulqanganpu' laj yuQjIjDIvI'.*
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