[tlhIngan Hol] {-moH} and two things instead of three

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 06:40:47 PDT 2018

Lets remember an example which was written sometime ago in another thread..

Ha'DIbaHvaD mo' wI'elmoH

we cause the animal to enter the cage

Here, we have three things: an animal, a cage, and us.

What would happen though, if we had only two things ? "the vulcans, caused the federation to accept them (the "them" referring to themselves, the vulcans)". Here we have only two things: the federation and the vulcans.

So how would we say that ? Instinctively, I would write:

{yuQjIjDI'vI'vaD vulqanganpu' lajmoH vulqanganpu'}

But, my problem is, that the {vulqanganpu'} which precedes and follows the {lajmoH} is the same, i.e. it refers to the same people.

As I understand it, the "they-them" zero-prefix, is to be used only when the "they" is other than the "them".

So, at the above example, we can't say {vulqanganpu' lajmoH vulqanganpu'}.

So, should we say instead the following ?

{yuQjIjDI'vI'vaD laj'eghmoH vulqanganpu'}

But this approach perhaps produces the meaning "the vulcans caused themselves to accept themselves, for the federation".

Can someone, who knows what's going on here, shed some light on this ?

~ nI'ghma

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