[tlhIngan Hol] Are arabic numerals canon ?

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Sep 26 12:30:57 PDT 2017

On 9/26/2017 3:15 PM, Steven Boozer wrote:
> *Do’natu vagh *Donatu V   (qep’a’ 2017)
> … and royal names:
> (KGT 126):   In Shakespeare's original Klingon version of *HenrI' 
> vagh*, known in Federation Standard as /Henry V/, *HenrI'*, the 
> Supreme Commander, gets into an argument with one of his troops the 
> night before a great battle.
> The point here is that royal names are read out using the cardinal 
> number (just like planet names), not the ordinal with –*DIch* as in, 
> say, English king /Henry the Eighth. /
For slightly different reasons. *Do'natu vagh* is not /Donatu Number 
Five;/ the *vagh* /five/ is just a label that happens to follow a 
numeric sequence. *HenrI' vagh,* however, actually is the Henry Number Five.

I wonder how Klingons would translate the names /Ingraham B//and/ /Theta 
Cygni XII/?


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