[tlhIngan Hol] Marc Okrand talking about DSC (spoilerfree)

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Sep 27 17:43:20 PDT 2017

On 9/27/2017 8:30 PM, Felix Malmenbeck wrote:
> So far, I believe I've only ever used it when talking about refugees, 
> in the sense that I want all who are currently fleeing to 
> have-successfully-fled. I quite like the contrast between -taH and 
> -ta' and find it quite effective. Other times I've used something like 
> {Haw'ta'wI'pu' mojjaj Hoch Haw'taHwI'pu'.}, but that's less punchy to 
> my mind.
> So, I suppose I'd use it when I think the desired effect is worth 
> bending the rules, and otherwise not.
But only in an informal context, right? You wouldn't, for instance, send 
a report to your superior with your *mu'mey ru'* in it, right?

You wouldn't, for instance, submit a report that said /Earnings were 
down this quarter because reasons./ That's an example of**a *mu' ru';* 
that's similar to the effect of using an aspect suffix and *-jaj* together.


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