[tlhIngan Hol] Marc Okrand talking about DSC (spoilerfree)

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Wed Sep 27 17:30:41 PDT 2017

> If your "special occasion" is "anytime I want to use aspect and -jaj,"

> then the rule is completely abandoned. When would you not do it?

That would seem to describe every instance of mu'mey ru': You only use it when you want to use it.

So far, I believe I've only ever used it when talking about refugees, in the sense that I want all who are currently fleeing to have-successfully-fled. I quite like the contrast between -taH and -ta' and find it quite effective. Other times I've used something like {Haw'ta'wI'pu' mojjaj Hoch Haw'taHwI'pu'.}, but that's less punchy to my mind.

So, I suppose I'd use it when I think the desired effect is worth bending the rules, and otherwise not.

From: tlhIngan-Hol <tlhingan-hol-bounces at lists.kli.org> on behalf of SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name>
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 02:24
To: tlhingan-hol at lists.kli.org
Subject: Re: [tlhIngan Hol] Marc Okrand talking about DSC (spoilerfree)

On 9/27/2017 7:08 PM, Felix Malmenbeck wrote:

> But if you always do that, they're not really mu'mey ru'. You're taking the exceptions to the

> language and applying them generally, while telling yourself that you're not really doing that.

I don't really think that's true, unless it catches on in a big way and starts being considered "correct" to some extent, or was treated as an ordinary expression. It seems to match the definition of {mu'mey ru'}:

"Sometimes words or phrases are coined for a specific occasion, intentionally violating grammatical rules in order to have an impact. Usually these are never heard again, though some gain currency and might as well be classified as slang. Klingon grammarians call such forms {mu'mey ru'} ("temporary words")."

I'll confess that when I first used this construction, I didn't realize that it was ungrammatical, so that was just a {Qaghna'}. Now I know, however, and intend to go on using it :)

If your "special occasion" is "anytime I want to use aspect and -jaj," then the rule is completely abandoned. When would you not do it?

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