[tlhIngan Hol] Nouns in apposition

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Sep 20 06:35:44 PDT 2017

On 9/20/2017 9:02 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> Suppose I write the sentence:
> {Qo'noSDaq SoSlI' juHDaq qajatlh, latlh be' vImuSHa'}
> "At Qo'noS at your mother's house I told you, that I love another woman".
> Do you agree with the above translation, or is it, that due to the 
> absence of a {je} after the {juHDaq}, the meaning becomes "at your 
> mother's house which is Qo'noS I told you, that I love another woman" ?
You could interpret it that way. I don't think the lack of a *je* makes 
the difference. It could also be interpreted as two separate locatives 
that both apply simultaneously, one being of a different scope than another.

    In a cavern, in a canyon
    Excavating for a mine
    Dwelt a miner, forty-niner
    And his daughter, Clementine.

In the verse, the locatives /in a cavern/ and /in a canyon/ are not in 
apposition to each other. The cavern is within the canyon. The subjects 
of the sentence both have appositional pairs: /a miner/ = /forty-niner/ 
and /his daughter/ = /Clementine./

In your Klingon sentence, it's possible that *SoSlI' juH* is within the 
scope of *Qo'noS.*

If the sentence did have a *je,* the meaning would be different:

    *Qo'noSDaq SoSlI' juHDaq je qajatlh
    */I speak to you on Kronos and in your mother's home/

Here it's possible that you speak to me in both of those places, but not 
in a single utterance. One day you speak to me on Kronos; another day 
you speak to me in my mother's house.


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