[tlhIngan Hol] Spoils of war

Alan Anderson qunchuy at alcaco.net
Fri Sep 15 00:34:06 PDT 2017

I believe {tev} is the right word for this.

In John Ford's novel "The Final Reflection", there is the equivalent of a
Klingon television series named "Battlecruiser Vengeance". Memory Beta
gives an introductory summary of the show:

It featured the adventures of Klingon Captain Koth of the Vengeance, in
> conflict with alien races such as Humans, Romulans and Kinshaya and others,
> and trying to capture their ships. Koth was always triumphant, and each
> episode ended with him being asked who he was by those he had captured, and
> answering "I am Captain Koth. Koth of the Vengeance. And this ship is my
> prize."

[A bad translation into Klingon follows. It is of no value.]

{'ej tevwIj 'oH Dujvam'e'} sounds perfect to me.

-- ghunchu'wI'
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