[tlhIngan Hol] Spoils of war

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Sep 15 06:46:32 PDT 2017

“Battlecruiser Vengeance” had its reflection (!) on our television screens as well.

The IKC Bortas, a Vor'cha-class attack cruiser, conveyed Captain Picard's request for Klingon assistance at Nelvana III when the Enterprise-D investigated reports of a secret Romulan base. (TNG "The Defector")  The Bortas later served as Gowron's flagship during the Klingon civil war of 2367-68 and Worf served as weapons officer aboard her during the early part of that conflict. (TNG "Redemption I")

And two centuries earlier the Klingon ship Vor’Tas, under the command of a Captain Duras, was crippled by the Enterprise in 2152.  Captain Archer was captured and put on trial on the Narendra III outpost for conspiring against the Klingon Empire and fomenting revolt. (ENT "Judgment")

-- Voragh

From: Alan Anderson

In John Ford's novel "The Final Reflection", there is the equivalent of a Klingon television series named "Battlecruiser Vengeance". Memory Beta gives an introductory summary of the show:
It featured the adventures of Klingon Captain Koth of the Vengeance, in conflict with alien races such as Humans, Romulans and Kinshaya and others, and trying to capture their ships. Koth was always triumphant, and each episode ended with him being asked who he was by those he had captured, and answering "I am Captain Koth. Koth of the Vengeance. And this ship is my prize."

[A bad translation into Klingon follows. It is of no value.]

{'ej tevwIj 'oH Dujvam'e'} sounds perfect to me.

-- ghunchu'wI'
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