[tlhIngan Hol] Statue of liberty
mayqel qunenoS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 10:48:53 PDT 2017
> bIQ'a' HeHmeyraj lulIghpu''e' ghom'a' bolajQo'bogh..
should be:
> bIQ'a' HeHmeyraj lulIghpu' ghom'a' bolajQo'bogh..
On Sep 1, 2017 20:40, "mayqel qunenoS" <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> Always, when I read the words of the statue of liberty, I get goosebumps.
> These words breathe defiance, these words breathe the need for freedom..
> 'elaDya' jey' Sorpuq tInqu'wI''a' noy vIrurbe'; wa' Sepvo' latlh SepDaq
> Hoch luchargh tInqu'wI''a'vam ghIv, 'a tInqu'wI''a'vam vIrurbe'bej.
> Not like the brazen giant of greek fame, with conquering limbs astride
> from land to land
> naDev, tlhom chum lojmItmey''a'maj'e' qIptaHbogh bIQ'a' tu'lu', 'ej naDev,
> DaH, reH, Qam be' Dunqu'. Sech 'uch be'vam, pe'bIl jonlu'ta'bogh 'oH
> Sechvam qul'e'; 'ej ghImwI'pu' SoS 'oH pongDaj'e'.
> Here, at our sea-washed sunset gates shall stand a mighty woman with a
> torch, whose flame is the imprisoned lightning, and her name mother of
> exiles.
> vanmeH 'ej naDev lajmeH, Sech 'uchbogh ghopDajvo' wew mu'mey; bIQ'a' Duj
> vergh luDech cha' veng, 'ej verghvam'e' velchu'bogh rewve' lura' mInDu'Daj
> ghanHa'.
> From her beacon-hand glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command the
> air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
> 'o Sepmey tIQ, tlhIHvaD neH qunraj ngay' yIpol ! jach wuSDu'Daj tam..
> Keep ancient lands your storied pomp ! cried she with silent lips..
> Doy'wI'pu'ra', mIpbe'wI'pu'ra', tlhabchu'choH neHbogh Dojmeyra' 'It,
> bIQ'a' HeHmeyraj lulIghpu''e' ghom'a' bolajQo'bogh.. jIHvaD tInob !
> Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath
> free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
> pagh juH ghajwI'pu', pagh HuDyar ghajwI'pu', 'ItwI'pu''e' Qaw'chu'bogh
> San, jIHDaq tIngeH ! qol'om lojmIt retlhDaq SechwIj vIpep !
> Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the
> golden door !
> qunnoq
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