[tlhIngan Hol] Statue of liberty
mayqel qunenoS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 10:40:34 PDT 2017
Always, when I read the words of the statue of liberty, I get goosebumps.
These words breathe defiance, these words breathe the need for freedom..
'elaDya' jey' Sorpuq tInqu'wI''a' noy vIrurbe'; wa' Sepvo' latlh SepDaq
Hoch luchargh tInqu'wI''a'vam ghIv, 'a tInqu'wI''a'vam vIrurbe'bej.
Not like the brazen giant of greek fame, with conquering limbs astride from
land to land
naDev, tlhom chum lojmItmey''a'maj'e' qIptaHbogh bIQ'a' tu'lu', 'ej naDev,
DaH, reH, Qam be' Dunqu'. Sech 'uch be'vam, pe'bIl jonlu'ta'bogh 'oH
Sechvam qul'e'; 'ej ghImwI'pu' SoS 'oH pongDaj'e'.
Here, at our sea-washed sunset gates shall stand a mighty woman with a
torch, whose flame is the imprisoned lightning, and her name mother of
vanmeH 'ej naDev lajmeH, Sech 'uchbogh ghopDajvo' wew mu'mey; bIQ'a' Duj
vergh luDech cha' veng, 'ej verghvam'e' velchu'bogh rewve' lura' mInDu'Daj
>From her beacon-hand glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command the
air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
'o Sepmey tIQ, tlhIHvaD neH qunraj ngay' yIpol ! jach wuSDu'Daj tam..
Keep ancient lands your storied pomp ! cried she with silent lips..
Doy'wI'pu'ra', mIpbe'wI'pu'ra', tlhabchu'choH neHbogh Dojmeyra' 'It, bIQ'a'
HeHmeyraj lulIghpu''e' ghom'a' bolajQo'bogh.. jIHvaD tInob !
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free,
the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
pagh juH ghajwI'pu', pagh HuDyar ghajwI'pu', 'ItwI'pu''e' Qaw'chu'bogh San,
jIHDaq tIngeH ! qol'om lojmIt retlhDaq SechwIj vIpep !
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the
golden door !
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