[tlhIngan Hol] Imperatives and {-be'}

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Jul 6 08:28:24 PDT 2017

On 7/6/2017 11:14 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> Apologising once more in advance for quoting boQwI', I need to bring 
> this up, because there I read that..
> "Even though tkd says that {-be'} cannot be used with imperatives, it 
> seems that this means only that it cannot be used to form negative 
> imperatives. For example, a sentence such as {HIleghbe'moH} seems to 
> be possible"
> I can't understand this. Isn't the {HIleghbe'moH} a negative 
> imperative ? Doesn't it mean "make me not see !" ?

boQwI' is wrong. I don't know how the creator came to that conclusion. 
It would be convenient if we could, but TKD prohibits it and I don't 
think we've ever seen a counterexample.

Without that convenience, we have to say things like *jIleghbe' 'e' 
yIqaSmoH*/cause me not seeing to occur!/ or be more direct: *mInwIj 
tIvel*/cover my eyes!/ or *pa' yIHurghmoH*/make the room dark!/


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