[tlhIngan Hol] <<poSaydon>> vImughlI'

Brian Cote wearetheinformation00 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 7 18:52:51 PST 2017

HIja'. Hoch qeSlIj HIngeH! ghIq tugh vImughqa'.


On Saturday, January 7, 2017, SuStel <system at trimboli.name> wrote:

> On 1/7/2017 6:52 PM, Brian Cote wrote:
>> Hello, here's my first draft attempt at translating the opening
>> of one of my favorite short pieces by Franz Kafka: "Poseidon."
>> vummeH raSDajDaq ba' poSayDon 'ej SIm.
>> >Poseidon sat at his desk, doing figures.
>> >Poseidon saß an seinem Arbeitstisch und rechnete.
>> Hoch bIQmey loH not 'e' mev.
>> >The administration of all the waters gave him endless work.
>> >Die Verwaltung aller Gewässer gab ihm unendliche Arbeit.
>> boQwI'pu' law' rItlaH, mI'chaj vuSHa'lu', 'ej SaHbej HochHom
>> chaH, 'ach ghaHvaD potlhqu'mo' Qu'Daj, Hoch Simqa', 'ej vaj
>> loQ luQaH neH boQwI'pu'Daj.
>> >He could have had assistants, as many as he wanted — and he
>> did have very many — but since he took his job very seriously,
>> he would in the end go over all the figures and calculations
>> himself, and thus his assistants were of little help to him.
>> >Er hätte Hilfskräfte haben können, wie viel er wollte, und er
>> hatte auch sehr viele, aber da er sein Amt sehr ernst nahm,
>> rechnete er alles noch einmal durch und so halfen ihm
>> die Hilfskräfte wenig.
> majQa'. Doj. lughmoHbogh qeS DapIH'a'?
> --
> SuStel
> http://trimboli.name
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