[tlhIngan Hol] <<poSaydon>> vImughlI'

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Sun Jan 8 09:23:27 PST 2017

On 1/7/2017 6:52 PM, Brian Cote wrote:
> vummeH raSDajDaq ba' poSayDon 'ej SIm.
> >Poseidon sat at his desk, doing figures.
> >Poseidon saß an seinem Arbeitstisch und rechnete.

DoyIchlan Hol vIjatlhbe'. DIvI' Hol jatlhwI'vaD DoyIchlan Hol lutvam 
Damughta''a' SoH'e'?

Is this a story in which we find Poseidon sitting and calculating, or is 
this expressing the general idea that Poseidon sits and calculates, that 
this is just a thing that Poseidon tends to do? If the former, I'd 
prefer to see *ba'taH* and *SImtaH,* as he's in the middle of doing 
these things when the story starts.

> Hoch bIQmey loH not 'e' mev.
> >The administration of all the waters gave him endless work.
> >Die Verwaltung aller Gewässer gab ihm unendliche Arbeit.


> boQwI'pu' law' rItlaH, mI'chaj vuSHa'lu', 'ej SaHbej HochHom
> chaH, 'ach ghaHvaD potlhqu'mo' Qu'Daj, Hoch Simqa', 'ej vaj
> loQ luQaH neH boQwI'pu'Daj.
> >He could have had assistants, as many as he wanted — and he
> did have very many — but since he took his job very seriously,
> he would in the end go over all the figures and calculations
> himself, and thus his assistants were of little help to him.
> >Er hätte Hilfskräfte haben können, wie viel er wollte, und er
> hatte auch sehr viele, aber da er sein Amt sehr ernst nahm,
> rechnete er alles noch einmal durch und so halfen ihm
> die Hilfskräfte wenig.

A stylistic note: the plural suffixes are usually optional in Klingon, 
and should be dropped when they are not needed to make plurality clear. 
You could say *boQwI' law'* and no one would fail to understand that 
you're talking about /many aids.

Speaking of *boQwI',* did you know the word *boQ* also means /aide,/ as 
in a person who assists? You can just call them *boQ* /aide, aides.

In that second sentence, I'd probably say *vuSbe'lu'* instead of 
*vuSHa'lu'.* The latter is the undoing or misdoing of limits rather than 
the former's simple not limiting.

With *Hoch SImqa',* while the lack of a *lu- *prefix makes it impossible 
for the subject to be /they/ (the assistants), I had to think carefully 
to figure out what the subject and object were here. You might want to 
make them explicit (redundant subjects or objects are never wrong in 
Klingon when they aid understanding): *Hoch SImqa' poSayDon.

The use of *neH* in the last sentence is not necessarily correct. You 
want it to apply to the *loQ* (to mean /only a little/), but TKD only 
lets it apply to nouns (/only/) or verbs (/merely/). You might recast 
the sentence like this: *vaj ghaHvaD ram boQchaj*/thus their aid was 
trivial to him./ This might be confusing, because *boQ* ALSO means 
/assistance,/ so an alternative could be: *vaj ghaHvaD ram QaHchaj*/so 
their help was trivial to him.


lutvam vISovbe'; bImugh vaj 'e' vItIvbej.


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