[tlhIngan Hol] Who shall call them from the twilight ?

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Dec 14 06:23:03 PST 2016

On 12/14/2016 8:35 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> SuStel:
> > chay' Mordor HIv bot puSqu'wI'?»
> the {puSqu'wI'} means "very few people" ?

Yes. It could mean very few of anything, but the intended implication, 
which you took, is people.

> and something must be happening with {HIv} and {bot}. "how very few 
> people will prevent attack mordor" ?

Hmm. It seems that *HIv* as a noun doesn't appear in the new words list. 
It should: in /Star Trek V,/ Captain Klaa says *HIv He yIchoHmoH*, which 
is subtitled /Alter the attack course!/

> SuStel:
> > 'Ip lulay'bogh HevwI' tuqnIgh.
> I can't translate this; all I get is "the member(s) of the house of 
> the receiver(s) who swore the oath". Or "the oath which was sworn by 
> the member(s) of the house of the receiver(s).

An attempt to avoid this "ship in which I fled" problem, in this case 
"the heir of him to whom the oath they swore." The best I could come up 
with was "house member of the receiver of the oath which they swore." I 
should have put a *-pu'* on *lay'.* If you can think of a more obvious 
translation, let me know. I claim the excuse of translating while at work.

> SuStel:
> > Sauron luquvmoHmo' qaStaHvIS DISmey
> > lunaDHa'lu'bogh
> this confuses me too.. "because they honored Sauron while the years 
> which someone discommended them were happening" ?

I didn't want to translate /Dark Years/ literally, as there was plenty 
of sunlight at the time. The Dark Years 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Years> were the period of the Second 
Age wherein lesser men worshiped Sauron and he held dominion over most 
of Middle-earth, before the coming of the Númenóreans in Exile. These 
were also called the Accursed Years, and I looked in a thesaurus for 
inspiration on how to translate this. I noticed /condemned/ and 
/bedeviled,/ and somehow that led me to *naDHa'.* I can't defend this. I 
probably could have gone with something bland, like *DIS lumuSlu'bogh* 
or, even worse, *DIS mIgh.*

Anyway, by that time I had to go to the bathroom and it was nearly time 
to go home. I was rushing.


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