[tlhIngan Hol] Each

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 10:04:00 PST 2016

I remember some time ago we had discussed this at another thread, and again
no significant conclusions were made.

the only thing I'm able to understand from these canon examples, is perhaps
that context distinguishes between the meaning of "a single one" and "each

If I write: {jIyIttaHvIS, ngIq vIghro' vIlegh}, then obviously this must
mean "while I was walking I saw a single cat". I don't think one could
translate this as "while I was walking I saw one by one cat". what the hell
is this supposed to mean ? it would make no sense.

however if I wrote {qaStaHvIS may', ngIq Duj wIQaw'} then this could either
mean "while the battle was happening a single ship we destroyed", or "while
the battle was happening we destroyed the ships one by one". I guess
context would describe which of the two would be correct, and if the author
didn't provide this context, then obviously he would be a moron.

also, without a definite answer from maltz, if I was to use the {ngIq}
either I would write {wa' ngIq} to say "one single" or {ngIq Hoch Dujmey}
to say "one by one all ships".

qunnoH jan puqloD
ghoghwIj HablI'vo' vIngeHta'

On 1 Dec 2016 7:18 pm, "SuStel" <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:

> On 12/1/2016 12:08 PM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> SuStel:
> > *ngIq nuv luHoH*
> > *they kill the warriors one by one*
> the question here would be, why not translate this as "they killed a
> single warrior".
> does the {ngIq} possess only the meaning of "one by one", or is it
> possible to have the meaning of "a single one" too ? and if yes, at what
> circumstances would it be able to possess this additional meaning ?
> Because that's how Okrand translates it. Or at least, that's the English
> from which Okrand translated into Klingon (the original was also in past
> tense).
> The use of *ngIq* is not clearly understood. I only brought it up because
> it appears to be related to the concept of *each* that Anthony asked
> about.
> Also from *paq'batlh:*
> *nIteb chegh molor ngIq ghoqwI' **One by one Molor's scouts return*
> *ngIq tonSaw' lo' 'ej ... **In one single move...*
> --
> SuStelhttp://trimboli.name
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