[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: paw'

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Oct 22 08:24:02 PDT 2024

Klingon word: paw'
Part of speech: verb
Definition: butt heads (slang)

paw' tlhIngan SuvwI'pu' 
The Klingon warriors butt heads (i.e. collide). KGT

pe'vIl Supaw'jaj! 
("a Klingon greeting apparently for welcoming a group to an event." [De'vID, 11/16/2014 < qepHom 2014)

(KGT 157f.):  This verb describes a very common habit among Klingon warriors, particularly at festive occasions. Two Klingons stand close together, facing each other, and, with great joviality, slam their foreheads together. ... In both its literal and slang usages, {paw'} takes a plural subject:  {paw' tlhIngan SuvwI'pu'} ("The Klingon warriors butt heads") ... When the subject of {paw'} is persons, the most common interpretation of the verb is the slang one-that is, butt heads. Thus, if one were to say {paw' tera'nganpu'} ("The Terrans collide"), this would probably be taken to mean that the Terrans butt heads, as unlikely as the image might be. .... There is no simple non-slang verb for "butt heads".

qIp'egh nachDu'chaj tlhIngan SuvwI'pu' 
Klingon warriors are butting heads. CK 
["This sentence really doesn't make much sense to me... However, perhaps Okrand has some weird sort of grammar in mind..." (SuStel)]

paw'  		collide (v)

(KGT 157f.):  The word literally means collide and is usually (though hardly exclusively) heard when referring to vehicles. In both its literal and slang usages, {paw'} takes a plural subject ... {paw' lupDujHommey} ("The shuttlecraft collide"). To refer to something in motion colliding with something stationary, a different verb, {ngeQ} ("bump into, collide with") is used, as in {raS ngeQ tera'ngan} ("The Terran bumps into the table"). When the subject of {paw'} is persons, the most common interpretation of the verb is the slang one-that is, butt heads. ... When the subject of {paw'} is anything other than persons, the most likely interpretation is the non-slang one, collide. If one wanted to say that two persons collide but not imply that they butt heads, the verb {ngeQ} would probably be used along with the suffix {-chuq} (each other) as in {ngeQchuq tera'nganpu'} ("The Terrans collide with each other").

PUN: "pow!"

ngeQ 		bump into, run into, collide with (v)
'ap 		be dented(v)
'apmoH 	dent (v)
nach 		head (n)

In 2369 Captain Nu'Daq challenged Data to the *B'aht Qul* strength challenge after hearing of Data's reputation for great physical strength - Data easily won the challenge, whereupon Nu'Daq head-butted Data, but then bounced backwards and landed on the floor.  Data explained: "My upper spinal support is a polyalloy designed to withstand extreme stress. My skull is composed of cortenide and duranium." [TNG: "The Chase"]

    [ two Klingons are having a head-butting contest at Quark's bar ]
MARTOK: No, no, no. You can do better than that. You're barely making contact.
                  Again! More wine! 
    [ Nog and Jake are at a nearby table ]
JAKE:        I don't care what anyone says. That's got to hurt.  [DS9 "Blaze of Glory"]

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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