[tlhIngan Hol] using {Dam}

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Sun Jan 21 00:46:55 PST 2024

Thanks De'vID, for explaining that to me.

And you're right, I mixed up a few things. It was late, sorry.

Am 20.01.2024 um 22:35 schrieb De'vID:
> has nothing to do with {Dam}, whereas the latter does. Also, did you
> mean {SuvwI'} rather than {'urwI'}? It's dangerous to say the latter
> when you mean the former.
>     {SoHvaD 'urwI' vIDam} or {SoHvaD 'urwI' qaDam} ?
> {SoHvaD SuvwI' vIDam} is correct. We have the canon example of {HumanvaD
> 'urwI' wIDam}.

Yes, but from that example, the object of {wI-} was not 100% clear,
which is what made me feel unsure.

> {SuvwI' qaDam} should also work, using the prefix trick applied to the
> above.

I guess that's what I had in mind.

>     What is the object of the verb {Dam}?
> The thing that the subject is treating as being applicable or as though
> it were true.

Great! I'll add that to my notes, i.e. the Klingon wiki.

> {SoHvaD SuvwI' vIDam} "I consider (treat somebody like) a warrior; you
> the the beneficiary of my doing so" > "I treat you as a warrior"
> {SuvwI' SoH 'e' vIDam} "I view the statement to be applicable or true,
> that you are a warrior" > "I consider you to be a warrior"

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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