[tlhIngan Hol] tlham yu’egh lIng’a‘ DejlI'bogh pIvchem’e‘

Will Martin lojmitti7wi7nuv at gmail.com
Mon Aug 19 08:38:54 PDT 2024

My issue is that nobody can really translate something they don’t understand. Theoretical Astrophysicists are, pretty much by definition, people who regularly converse about things that they don’t understand, let alone there be the case that anyone else can understand them.

I have my own Grand Unification Theory that explains the cause of Critical Mass, Gravity, Black Holes, Quantum Physics, Light, and expands upon General Relativity to say that the speed of light is not a constant. It is merely a boundary/filter between our observable Universe (all points of turbulence moving slower than the speed of light relative to each other) and the vast majority of mass, which is moving faster than the speed of light, in established streams that flow between our atoms, as our atoms move in streams faster than light relative to each of these other Universes.

Infinite momentum prevents direct interaction between atoms in the different streams, though the indirect evidence of the existence of the streams include Critical Mass (as atomic mass becomes too large to fit within the space surrounded by streams, and its outer mass is sheared off by infinite momentum), Gravity (your atoms are all nudged by the streams in all directions equally, except for the streams that have bumped shoulders with all the atoms of the Earth to get to you, and so those streams are thinner, meaning that Gravity doesn’t pull you toward the center of the Earth, but the entire Universe is PUSHING each of your atoms toward Earth), and the Quantum nature of the existence or non-existence of a given particle or photon relates to the grid of streams…

The Streams themselves are like most systems of motion in the Universe: Elipsoidal. Different Universes can share nodes, and at those areas of space, the streams are more widely spaced, and so Critical Mass occurs at higher masses, so the dense nature of a Black Hole depends upon it’s location, and as its immense gravity pulls in more mass, it expands until its outer reaches are too far away from the node, limiting the size of the Black Hole. Planar galaxies are created by the interactions of two Universes. More complex galaxy shapes involve nodes of more than two Universes, and would tend to have Black Holes of even higher mass.

Also, momentum and gravity are one thing, measured by two separate maths, similar to the way that a board has a length and a width, but that doesn’t make the board two different things. Momentum/Gravity essentially is a single force (relating to the balance of individual atoms among the streams) to form The Way Things Fall, and weight is the result of resistance against The Way Things Fall, hence weight being generated by either gravity or acceleration, and being indistinguishable in effect between weight created by Gravity or Momentum.

And Time and Space are artificial concepts separating Motion into two maths. It’s all Motion. An instant in time is impossible, as is a point in space, since matter and energy become meaningless without motion. No event has zero duration, and no mass has zero size. So, the idea of the Singularity, where the entire Universe started out as a single point in space during an instant in time is, without peer, The Stupidest Idea to Spring From the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

… aaaaaand while I really enjoy thinking about this, nobody else does.

Move along. Move along. This is not the Grand Unification Theory you are looking for...


charghwI’ ‘utlh
(ghaH, ghaH, -Daj)

> On Aug 19, 2024, at 5:55 AM, CleverLemming1337 via tlhIngan-Hol <tlhingan-hol at lists.kli.org> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
>> I just saw this in the news..
>> Warp Drive Collapse Should Generate Gravitational Waves, Theoretical Astrophysicists Claim
>> https://www.sci.news/astronomy/warp-drive-collapse-gravitational-waves-13141.html
>> The second paragraph caught my eye:
>> Clough et al. proposed a formalism for studying warp drive spacetimes
>> dynamically and produced the first fully consistent numerical-relativity
>> waveforms for the collapse of a warp drive bubble.
>> Anyone care to try translating this jargon?  We have much of the relevant vocabulary.
> I‘m not that good in. Klingon yet, but I tried to translate that paragraph and got this:
> [dynamically] pIvghor HaDmeH
> [formalism] chup Clough latlhpu‘ je ‘ej pIvchem DejvaD wa‘DIch bogh [numerical-relativity] yu‘egh [consistent]chu’ lulIng(ta‘).
>> (Does anyone else find themselves translating phrases they come across into tlhIngan Hol?  For example, every day on the way to work I pass a Unitarian church with the title of the next sermon posted on its outdoor bulletin board, and I spend the rest of the walk trying to translate it.  I can?t stop myself!)
> Greetings and Qapla‘
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