[tlhIngan Hol] tlham yu’egh lIng’a‘ DejlI'bogh pIvchem’e‘
cleverlemming at icloud.com
Mon Aug 19 02:55:48 PDT 2024
Hi everyone,
> I just saw this in the news..
> Warp Drive Collapse Should Generate Gravitational Waves, Theoretical Astrophysicists Claim
> https://www.sci.news/astronomy/warp-drive-collapse-gravitational-waves-13141.html
> The second paragraph caught my eye:
> Clough et al. proposed a formalism for studying warp drive spacetimes
> dynamically and produced the first fully consistent numerical-relativity
> waveforms for the collapse of a warp drive bubble.
> Anyone care to try translating this jargon? We have much of the relevant vocabulary.
I‘m not that good in. Klingon yet, but I tried to translate that paragraph and got this:
[dynamically] pIvghor HaDmeH
[formalism] chup Clough latlhpu‘ je ‘ej pIvchem DejvaD wa‘DIch bogh [numerical-relativity] yu‘egh [consistent]chu’ lulIng(ta‘).
> (Does anyone else find themselves translating phrases they come across into tlhIngan Hol? For example, every day on the way to work I pass a Unitarian church with the title of the next sermon posted on its outdoor bulletin board, and I spend the rest of the walk trying to translate it. I can?t stop myself!)
Greetings and Qapla‘
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