[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: SIl

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Dec 6 10:22:51 PST 2023

I stand corrected..  (Hmm, I must have downloaded a slightly different version of this to work with.)   My information for the Haynes BOP manual comes from two posts by Likka "fergusq" Hauhio to this list in August, 2023 (slightly edited) :

So the book is called "Haynes Bird of Prey Workshop Owner's Manual", you can find it on Amazon and other online stores. It has mostly English lists of BoP parts and longer explanations on how the ships are constructed on how they work. These Klingon words didn't appear in the book, instead, I asked Okrand if Maltz happened to know how any of them were translated. As far as I know, they haven't been released in any qepHom previously. They don't have official glosses either, so we have to deduce what the new words means from the phrases. Incidentally, these phrases appeared in the "Star Trek: Picard" season 3 end credits, in which they were so blurred that the Klingon words were very hard to read.

Here is some information I have acquired from Maltz.  At the qep'a' [2023], I took the cloaking device phrases from the "Bird of Prey Workshop Owner's Manual" and presented those to Okrand. Okrand provided me with these translations (for some he did not have a translation as they were not really parts of the cloaking device according to Maltz):

6.	Frequency Conditioner Inlet: 
	 Se’ lISwI’ yIb
7.	Frequency Conditioner: 
	  Se’ lISwI’
8.	Blast Debris Shield: 
	  DI yoD
9.	First-stage Teleport Waveform Accelerator: 
	  yu’egh chungwI’ wa’ [“primary waveform accelerator”]
10.	Axial Waveform Bypass Conduit:
	  yu’egh meqHoD ’och [“waveform bypass conduit”]
11.	Photon Spill Window:
	  ’otlh tlhuDmeH Qorwagh
12.	Second-stage Teleport Waveform Accelerator:
	  yu’egh chungwI’ cha’ [“secondary waveform accelerator”]
13.	Shield Energy Diverter:
	  botjan HoS SIlwI’
14.	Diverter Ion Sensor:
	  SIlwI’ tat noch
15.	Cloaking Field Emitter Monitor:
	  So’chem tlhuDwI’ jIHwI’
16.	Emitter Waveform Compressor:
	  tlhuDwI’ yu’egh HISmoHwI’
17.	Cloaking Field Emitter:
	  So’chem tlhuDwI’
18.	Structural Support Frames:

Before anyone asks, I don't know what items 1-5 were.  I haven't seen the manual itself.


------------------------------Original Message------------------------------
From: Litaer via tlhIngan-Hol
Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 10:13 AM

Am 06.12.2023 um 16:39 schrieb Steven Boozer via tlhIngan-Hol:
> Klingon word: SIl
> Part of speech: verb
> Definition: divert
> Source: qep'a' 30 (?) [2023]

The word is listed in the Wiki on this page:

> I couldn't find it listed in the qep'a' 30 notes, but {SIlwI’} "diverter" appeared the Haynes Bird of Prey Workshop Owner's Manual (2012?):

Yes, 2012.

Are you sure it was in that book written in Klingon? I can't find it.

Those two (and other) phrases you mentioned appeared on screen in the end credits of Season 3 of Star Trek: Picard, but only written in Klingon.

Okrand confirmed them at qep'a' 2023.

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