[tlhIngan Hol] qep'a' wejmaHDIch mu' chu'

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Wed Aug 9 04:05:32 PDT 2023

On Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 9:13 AM James Landau via tlhIngan-Hol <
tlhingan-hol at lists.kli.org> wrote:

> Good to see we finally have the major countries of Earth covered. I see
> the word for Ethiopia has been put up at the wiki, but I'd like to learn
> the names of the other countries we had on our chabal tetlh (Indonesia,
> Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Palestine, Taiwan).

{'InDoneSya'}, {'I'ran}, {paqIStan}, and {vIlaStIn} are all there. Taiwan
is missing, though.

> Oh yes, and *'IQDoy* (cliché, trope, stereotype).

I think you've mixed up two things. {'IQDoy'} is "parody, caricature"
("sad" + "tired" = "satire")

{HeqqIv} is "cliché, trope, stereotype" ("hackneyed" {Heq} + {qIv} "knee")

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