[tlhIngan Hol] qep'a' wejmaHDIch mu' chu'

James Landau savegraduation at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 9 00:16:03 PDT 2023

 I just realized that *'IQDoy* was "parody, caricature", not "cliché, trope, stereotype". Well, that works for parodies/caricatures of smart and stupid people too, I suppose. (Thinks of the character "I.Q." from the Burger King Kids Club.)

    >On Wednesday, August 9, 2023 at 12:12:54 AM PDT, James Landau <savegraduation at yahoo.com> wrote:  >
 >I've figured out the first two puns:>
>*'uppol* (feat, stunt): Back in the Roaring Twenties, people would often sit UP a flagPOLE as a feat/stunt.>
>*'unqal* (kettle): *'un* means "pot", and *qal* is derived from English "call" -- "the pot calling the kettle black".>
>Good to see we finally have the major countries of Earth covered. I see the word for Ethiopia has been put up at the wiki, but I'd >like to learn the names of the other countries we had on our chabal tetlh (Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Palestine, Taiwan).>
>Oh yes, and *'IQDoy* (cliché, trope, stereotype). This appears to be made up of "IQ" (intelligence quotient) and "doy" (something >stupid people would stereotypically say). Could this have something to do with all the stock characters that brainiacs and idiots are >so frequently stereotyped as? (*venwI'*, mad scientist, absent-minded professor, quiz kid, the Homer Simpson, *SIrHugh*, the >Chelm-style Village of Fools, the idiot savant . . .)
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