[tlhIngan Hol] wishlist for TKD 3ed

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Sun Apr 30 01:26:49 PDT 2023

Am 30.04.2023 um 01:16 schrieb De'vID via tlhIngan-Hol:
> if the existing
> edition is selling well, the expense of producing a new edition may not
> be worth it.

Indeed. They only look at the money, that's their job.

> know some people here who might be upset by that because of Michael
> Dorn's attitude towards the Klingon language in the past,

And as a side note: we have never seen Worf speak Klingon! Maybe few
words only, but not in a way you'd remember him as the Klingon speaker.
(in the universe, I even doubt her really does speak Klingon, since he
grew up among humans)

> (If we're *really* lucky, the next Star Trek movie or TV show will
> feature Klingons or a Klingon character prominently, the way that Star

Well - SPOILERS ahead - the latest preview of season 2 of SNW did show
some Klingons. But we don't know how much they'll do there.

Alan's suggestion to get a permission for KLI press certainly will be
quite difficult, because - going back to argument 1: if the 2nd edition
is selling well, they would be stupid to give away the rights to someone
else. (and they surely also think about: what if the 3rd edition really
is selling better than the 2nd?)

One other possibility is of course to make an "addendum" version book,
which completes the 2nd edition instead of replacing it. Did anyone
think about that?

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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