[tlhIngan Hol] QAO

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Apr 13 19:55:04 PDT 2023

On 4/13/2023 10:13 PM, Will Martin via tlhIngan-Hol wrote:
> It occurred to me today as an echo to the discussion about Sentence As 
> Object, and Krankor’s example that erred toward accepting a question 
> as the first sentence, that there might actually be a case for this 
> with certain second verbs:
> chay’ leSpal vIchenmoHlaH ‘e’ vISIv.
> Or, to rewrite Krankor’s example:
> chay’ Duj’a’ vIghajlaH DaH ‘e’ boSIvbe’choH.
> Other verbs that would naturally have a question as their Direct 
> Object, like {ghel} might also serve, if this proved to be acceptable.
> There are no stated rules and no canon to support this. It just makes 
> sense…

It doesn't just make sense. In English /I wonder how I can make a 
guitar,/ the /why I can make a guitar/ part isn't a question. The /how/ 
is a subordinating conjunction, and the /I can make a guitar/ is a 
subordinate clause. There is no question.

Klingon, of course, doesn't have subordinating conjunctions. None of its 
subordinate clauses tell you the manner in which something is done. 
There is no "just makes sense" about using the word *chay'* here, 
because the /only/ role that *chay'* plays is to ask the question /how?/ 
It is purely adverbial.

The reason you think it just makes sense is that you're confusing the 
adverb /how/ (which asks a question about the manner in which something 
is done) with the subordinating conjunction /how/ (which makes a 
subordinate clause tell you the manner in which something is done).

Because Klingon has no subordinate clause that tells you the manner in 
which something is done, you have to recast: *leSpal chenmoHmeH mIw 
vIqel*/I consider a process for making a guitar,/ or something like it.

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