[tlhIngan Hol] placement of adverb

Alan Anderson qunchuy at alcaco.net
Thu Apr 13 18:48:46 PDT 2023

On Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 8:07 AM Lieven L. Litaer via tlhIngan-Hol <
tlhingan-hol at lists.kli.org> wrote:

> Just for the record: the claim comes from a collection of grammatical
> additions compiled by ter'eS.
> > http://klingon.wiki/En/KlingonGrammarAddenda
> >
> > Adverbs with 'e' come after the object sentence and before the 'e', e.g.
> > paw Duj wej 'e' vIlegh "I haven't seen the ship arrive yet". [HQ v1n2p11]

When the document was copied into the wiki, the typographical conventions
used by ter'eS were lost. This grammar addendum (6.2.5/1) was set in
italics, which he used to indicate "accepted usage", rather than being a
specific quote. The citation is clearly in error: Captain Krankor's HolQeD
article in that issue regarding adverbial placement in a Sentence as Object
is on pages 4 and 5, and page 11 is in the middle of an interview David
Barron did with Marc Okrand.

-- ghunchu'wI'
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