[tlhIngan Hol] «jIH je» and variations

André Müller esperantist at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 11:37:59 PST 2022

Adding my 2 darseks to the discussion: I've been saying *jIrap* for ‘Me
too’, if context allows it.

— *André* aka *Vortarulo* aka *Dr. Müller* ;)

Am Di., 22. Nov. 2022 um 17:32 Uhr schrieb Will Martin via tlhIngan-Hol <
tlhingan-hol at lists.kli.org>:

> In American Sign Language, they frequently sign “Same” with a “Y” hand
> shape (pinky and thumb extended from a fist), waving the hand between
> pointing the pinky at the other person and the thumb at the signer’s chest,
> with a facial expression appropriate to the subtleties of the specific
> comment.
> They don’t seem to get tired of it, since in addition to saying, “Me, too”
> it has an emotional sense of common identification. “I feel that same
> thing,” or “I feel the same way,” added to the “Been there, done that,” or
> “I want to do that, too.”
> On Nov 22, 2022, at 9:17 AM, SuStel via tlhIngan-Hol <
> tlhingan-hol at lists.kli.org> wrote:
> On 11/22/2022 8:19 AM, zrajm via tlhIngan-Hol wrote:
> Though it makes me think that Klingon 2 might abbreviate even more and
> just say «je» alone (skipping the verb altogether). – This is a common
> practice in (at least Swedish) sign language, though it seems a bit weird
> from an English speaker's perspective.
> Do you think that you (prior to this discussion) would've understood if
> just a naked «je» was used? Or is that to abbreviate too much?
> I'd have understood, but just understanding doesn't count for much. If in
> English I said things like "I want pizza" and "I think that was very nice,"
> and someone with me kept saying "Also!" right after me, I'd get it. That
> doesn't mean they're using the language correctly.
> I've been studying Welsh for a while. Welsh has a gazillion ways to say
> *yes* or *no,* and you have to pick the right one for the right
> circumstance. If someone asked me *Wyt ti'n hoffi cwrw?* ("Do you like
> beer?") and I answered *Naddo* ("No" about a past-tense action) instead
> of *Nac ydw* (literally "I am not"), I would have used the language
> incorrectly but I daresay I would be understood. I'd just sound like an
> idiot.
> --
> SuStelhttp://trimboli.name
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