[tlhIngan Hol] info from paq'batlh that's not really new

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 18:34:37 PDT 2022

On Fri, 24 Jun 2022 at 14:55, Will Martin <lojmitti7wi7nuv at gmail.com> wrote:

> In this case {je} is not a conjunction. It’s an adverb.

In TKD, {je} joins nouns by coming after the final noun. When it follows a
verb, it has the adverbial sense of "also, too".

This passage did not require change because its grammar was explicable
using known rules. The specific issue that was raised was whether {tlhIH
je} introduced new grammar. The clarification was that it did not, because
{je} is conjoining the immediately preceding {tlhIH} with the {tlhIH}
earlier in Kahless' speech.

> Basically, if you’ve already parsed your sentence and completed it, but
> you want to add something the adverbial sense allows you to do that, while
> the conjunction really needs to be joining nouns that, together, form a
> plural that functions as a noun in the one sentence.

That might be true in another instance, but it isn't what's happening in
this specific passage. Kahless did not address the warriors, complete his
sentence, then realised he forgot to address the sons of Kahnrah, and so
added them as an afterthought. He was deliberately switching his attention
from the warriors to the sons of Kahnrah for rhetorical effect.

> The translation could have been equally good as “Also you, sons of
> Kahnrah”.

This is true, not because it would be a literal translation, but exactly
because translations don't always have to be so literal.

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