[tlhIngan Hol] adverbs acting on each other adverbs referring to each other

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 03:22:42 PST 2022

And I'll add this in plain text mode too, just because the cat wanted.

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relative ordering of Adverbials

There are no written rules about the ordering of adverbials, but there
seems to be a scheme based on canon examples.

Each adverbial apparently applies to all that follows.
Degree of certainty seems to precede the scope of the expected delay
before the action, and that precedes the quality of the action.
Since vaj tends to connect what follows it to a clause or sentence
that preceded it, that should come before all else.

It seems almost as if there were types of adverbs similar to the way
Klingon has types of verb suffixes, based on the following canon
examples: chaq batlh bIvangqa'laH
You might have a chance to make amends.
(paq'batlh p. 100-101) chaq tugh batlh Heghmo' 'ej chaq tugh charghmo'
For they may soon die with honor! For they may soon be victorious!
(paq'batlh p. 120-121) reH batlh SuvtaHjaj chaH
Let endless battle and honor await them!
(paq'batlh p. 150-151) vaj pe'vIl joqqu' cha' tlhIngan tIqDu'
Both Klingon hearts beat, at their strongest, in lust for blood.
(paq'batlh p. 166-167) Possible interpretation:
Type 1 vaj
Type 2 chaq
Type 3 tugh
Type 4 batlh
You probably can't have two of the same type, and you can have zero or
one of each type in any verb clause.

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Ζεὺς ἦν, Ζεὺς ἐστίν, Ζεὺς ἔσσεται· ὦ μεγάλε Ζεῦ

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