[tlhIngan Hol] "Seasons of Love" in Klingon / And two grammatical questions

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 06:08:04 PST 2022

On Thu, 6 Jan 2022 at 14:10, <luis.chaparro at web.de> wrote:

> De'vID:
> > QInvam luHevpu''a' latlh? pIm'a' QIn?
> *Spam*Daq tetlhvam lulochbogh HochHom QIn'e' vIHev, Landau Martin je
> QInmey vIHev je. pImbe'.
> By the way, two short questions:
> 1. Should *HochHom QIn* be considered singular or plural?

>From HolQeD 5:2, we know the following: If {Hoch} is followed by a noun
which is explicitly plural, it means "all the Xs" collectively; if it is
followed by a noun which is not explicitly plural, it means "each X",
considered individually. (see:

>From {nIn Hoch} "all [of] the fuel" on p.155 of KGT, we know that {Hoch}
following a noun means "all of X".

As for {HochHom}, I assume that it works very similarly to {Hoch} (though
this assumption might be proven wrong). We have the phrase {tera' vatlh DIS
poH cha'maH wej HochHom} "most of the [Terran] 23rd century" from SkyBox
card 15, which is used as a timestamp. We also have {maSDaq SaqmeH Qu'
wa'DIch HochHom turlu'taHvIS...} "... during most of the first manned lunar
landing mission...", where {Qu' wa'DIch HochHom} is singular. In both of
our {HochHom} examples, it follows the (singular) noun and has the meaning
"most of X".

I couldn't find any examples of {HochHom} preceding a noun with the meaning
"most of the Xs" (or perhaps "each X out of most of the Xs").

I would guess that {HochHom QInmey} "most of the messages" is plural, and
{HochHom QIn} "each message considered individually out of most of them"
would be singular, but it's only a guess.

> 2. I guess there is nothing wrong with *(noun noun je) + noun* as a
> noun-noun construction? Are there canonical examples?

Yes, {logh chal je 'angweD [qach]} for "planetarium".

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