[tlhIngan Hol] Perfective with qualities / perfective and perfect

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Apr 12 09:27:22 PDT 2022

On 4/12/2022 12:14 PM, Iikka Hauhio wrote:
> SuStel:
>     Klingon has no suffix that does this. If I say*wa'Hu' DungluQ
>     jISoppu',*there is no built-in connotation that I ate before noon
>     yesterday and that the eating is relevant to what happened at
>     noon. All this sentence says is that yesterday at noon, I ate, and
>     it's being described as a completed whole from a viewpoint just
>     after the eating stopped. If I say*wa'leS DungluQ jISoppu',*I'm
>     saying that eating will happen tomorrow at noon, and it's being
>     described as a completed whole from a viewpoint just after the
>     eating stops.
>> Yes.
> However, *-pu'* can be used to tell that the action has already 
> happened relative to the "current time of narration".
> *jIvem. ram jISoppu', DaH jISopnISbe'. SIbI' yaHwIj vIghoS.*
> /I wake up. I ate at night, I don't need to eat now. I go directly to 
> my workplace./
> *
> *
> I'm telling a story using the no-suffix aspect, but in the middle of 
> the story I describe an event that happened before the current time of 
> narration using the perfective aspect.

Yes, and you have provided the context yourself, just as I explained in 
the next paragraph that you didn't quote. You did this by starting with 
a "current time" narrative, then adding a sentence with an explicit time 
context in the past prior to the current time, then returning to the 
current time with another explicit time context. You did all this with 
words that /aren't/ the verbs whose aspect is being examined. Just as I 

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