[tlhIngan Hol] 'eSpanya' QISmaS (Beginner's text and questions)

luis.chaparro at web.de luis.chaparro at web.de
Tue Nov 23 08:46:30 PST 2021


> Each tree isn't a separate tradition, but the custom of decorating Christmas trees is. Exchanging Christmas gifts is another. Cantar villancicos también es otra tradición. {wej QISmaS lurDech pIm bIH.}

Pero, ¿hablas español? :-)

Can't you say in English: *We have Christmas trees, but they are not a Spanish tradition*? In Spanish it works: *Tenemos árboles de Navidad, pero no son una tradición española*. I think, again, I have some difficulties because of the Spanish language, since we mostly don't use the subject pronouns. If you say *We have Christmas trees, but it is not a Spanish tradition*, what does *it* means for you here? *Tradition*? Of course, in order to avoid the problem with the agreement, it would be better to use *'oH*.

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