[tlhIngan Hol] 'eSpanya' QISmaS (Beginner's text and questions)

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Nov 22 13:28:04 PST 2021

In this case I would say {'eSpanya'ngan lurDech}.  I'm not sure whether countries (i.e. politico-geographical entities) have traditions - in either English or Klingon - or if the people (or possibly cultures) in them do.  AFAIK {lurDech} has only been used twice in Klingon, both with groups of people:

  qorDu' lurDechmeyna' pab tlhInganpu' 
  With strong [Klingon] family traditions... S13

  nughraj Dun lurDechmeyraj Dun je DIvuvta' 'e' lutul 
    HaDwI'pu' 'ej vItul jIH. 
  The editors and I hope to have respected your rich culture
   and tradition (Vincent Van Gerven Oei's speech at qepHom 10)

That being said,

  ...  'ach 'eSpanya'ngan lurDech 'oHbejbe'.
  ...  but this isn't really a Spanish tradition.

If deciding whether to use {'eSpanya'} or {'eSpanya'ngan} with a noun throws you for a temporal loop, you can always say simply {'eSpanya'Daq ...}:

  ... 'ach 'eSpanya'Daq lurDech 'oHbe'.
  ...  but in Spain this is not a tradition.


-----------------------------------Original Message------------------------------
From: On Behalf Of luis.chaparro at web.de

QISmaS Sor DIghaj, 'ach 'eSpanya' lurDech bIHbe'.  *Bethlehem* velqa'mey nu' 'oH lurDechmaj'e'.


As always, I would appreciate any help / correction in order to improve my Klingon. I also have some questions:

1. I've discussed in another thread the difference between *'eSpanya' QISmaS* and *'eSpanya'ngan QISmaS*. If I've understood it well, I think I could use both here with a similar meaning, but I've chosen *'eSpanya' QISmaS* because I wanted to present the traditions in the context of the country's culture, rather than focusing on the people. Was it right?


3. In */Bethlehem/ velqa'mey nu' 'oH lurDechmaj'e'*, I've decided to use *'oH* since the idea is *As for our tradition, IT (the tradition) = miniatures of Bethlehem*, but I'm not sure about it.


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