[tlhIngan Hol] *-moH* with verbs of state / quality

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Nov 17 07:52:46 PST 2021

I may have lost a post or two from this thread so apologies for any repetition, but here are Okrand’s examples of verbs with {-choHmoH}:

May we execute a course (to some place)? (TKD)
Du'IHchoHmoH mIvvam
This helmet suits you. (TKD)
nuqDaq waqwIj vIlamHa'choHmoH
Where can I get my shoes cleaned? (TKD)
HIvHe yIchoHmoH
Alter the attack course! (ST5)

Hmm… There were fewer than I thought there would be.

From: tlhIngan-Hol <tlhingan-hol-bounces at lists.kli.org> On Behalf Of SuStel
On 11/17/2021 9:49 AM, luis.chaparro at web.de<mailto:luis.chaparro at web.de> wrote:

1. We can use *-moH* or *-choHmoH* depending on wether we want to express or focus on the end result (*-moH*) or the change (*-choHmoH*) someone or something is causing.

I wasn't stating a general rule; I was analyzing a specific sentence. Not all verbs will see a difference between an end result or a change. For instance, if I say tlhIngan Hol vIghojmoH I teach Klingon, I'm not focusing on an end result; I am just talking about an existing action. If I say tlhIngan Hol vIghojchoHmoH I start teaching Klingon, I am talking about the beginning of an action.

Don't look for a formulaic interpretation of combinations of suffixes. Analyze each verb as you find it.

 If someone wants to cook and her / his hands are really dirty, I'll probably be interested on emphasize that I want her / his hands to *become* clean, so I'll likely use *-choHmoH*. If I just recommend someone to be *generally* clean, I'll likely use *-moH*.

Or if you want to recommend someone maintain a regular cleaning regimen (Hoch jaj nuHlIj yISay'moH Clean your weapon every day). Or if you just want to explain how something becomes clean without describing the transition of going from dirty to clean (raS DaSay'moHmeH, taSvam yIlo' Use this solution to clean the table). There are lots of uses for -moH with or without -choH, and you have to figure them out as needed. Don't try to come up with a simple formula to follow.
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