[tlhIngan Hol] hellraiser 1987 - we'll tear your soul apart

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Mar 4 08:09:45 PST 2021

On 3/4/2021 10:19 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> - It was a mistake! I didn't mean to open it! It was a mistake! You 
> can all go to hell!
> (jIQaghpu'! vIpoSmoHqangpu'be'! jIQaghpu'! ghe''or lujaH! Hoch!)

jIQaghpu'! vIpoSmoHpu' 'e' vIHechbe'! jIQaghpu'! ghe''or yIjaH!

Context makes it clear that she's talking to /all of you./ You don't 
need an explicit *Hoch,* nor does it really fit here.

> - You solved the box. We came. Now you must come with us. Taste our 
> pleasures.
> (buq'Ir QapmeH Ho'DoS Datu'ta'; mapawpu'. DaH jutlhejnIS. belmeymaj 
> DaSIQnIS).

buq'Ir Dapanpu'.

I don't know what "taste our pleasures" means, but if it's metaphorical 
in English, you might as well keep it metaphorical in Klingon.

belmaj tIwaH.

> (crying)
> - Please... go away and leave me alone!
> (Saqoy'.. naDevvo' yIghoS, 'ej HIlon!)

naDevvo' peghoS

> - Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait, please, wait!
> (peloS! peloS! peloS! peloS, Saqoy', peloS!)

This would be an ideal time for clipped Klingon: loS! loS!

> - No time for argument.
> (maghoH; poH yap tu'lu'be').

yapbe' ghoHmeH poH.

> - You've done it before, right?
> (pa'logh, jaSHa' Suvangpu', qar'a'?)

Done what? I've never seen this film, so I don't know how vague this 
line is supposed to be.

You don't really need the *pa'logh.* The perfective and the adverbial 
are enough. /You have acted similarly, right?/

> - Many, many times.
> (jaSHa' mavangpu', 'ej ghIq mavangqa'pu', 'ej ghIq mavangqa'pu').


> - To a man called Frank Cotton?
> (jaSHa' frank cotton loDvaD Suvangpu''a'?)

loDvaD Frank Cotton ponglu'bogh?

> (female cenobite)
> - Oh, yes.
> (oh, HIja').

Just drop the /oh /when translating things like this. In English, it's 
just an intensifier. You can't intensify Klingon *HIja'* /yes./ In other 
cases, you might turn it into an appropriate suffix, like 
*jutlhejbej*/Oh, you're coming with us!/ or *bIrqu'*/Oh, was it cold!/

> - Supposing he had escaped us. What has that to do with you?
> (vabDot maHvo' narghta'chugh, chay' Dubop wanI'vam?)
> - I can... I can lead you to him! And you can take him back instead of me!
> (vISammoHlaH.. tlhIHvaD ghaH vISammoHlaH! 'ej ghe''orDaq ghaH botlhap; 
> tutlhap 'e' qa'!)

To reproduce the hesitation, I'd imagine how she's been talking about 
/him,/ and do this: *ghaH... tlhIHvaD ghaH vISammoHlaH!* In your 
version, she's already worked out what she can do, so there's no reason 
for her to hesitate in saying the whole thing the first time. My way, 
she's searching for something to say about him, something they want to 
hear, so she starts with an object, *ghaH,* and then works out what she 
wants to say.

I'm not sure whether//"take him back" is supposed to mean /return him/ 
*(tatlh)* or /take him when you go back/ *(tlhap).* Either way, you can 
say *ghaH'e'*/him (instead of someone else)/ and leave it to context to 
imply the /instead of me/ part.

*ghaH'e' botatlhlaH!*/You can return him (instead of someone else, like 
*SucheghDI', ghaH'e' botlhaplaH!*/When you return, you can take him 
(instead of someone else, like me)!/


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