[tlhIngan Hol] 6,3 richter scale..
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Mar 4 09:40:22 PST 2021
wanI’ DatIvmo’ jIQuch ‘ach bIDo’.
A better verb for “shake” is {jel} which is used WRT earthquakes:
jel shake, tremble (v) (qep’a’ 2017)
(qep'a' 2017?): as in the buildings are shaking because there's an earthquake, or everything in the house shakes when you slam the door …
tav shake (v) (qep'a' 2017)
(qep'a' 2017): as in what you might do to wake someone up, or what James Bond does to a martini, or what you do to your right foot after you put it in and then put it out …
For those unfamiliar with American culture, that last comment refers to the Hokey Pokey, a silly song and dance done at parties (and KLI qep’a’mey). The lyrics are:
You put your [body part] in.
You put your [body part] out.
You put your [body part] in and you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!
Some more earthquake-related vocabulary:
Seq fault (n)
Qargh fissure (n)
DI litter, rubble, debris (n)
pIgh ruins (n)
From: mayqel qunen'oS
wa'Hu', Qompu' 'elaDya' botlh, 'ej 6,3 richter 'oH wanI'vam HoS'e'.
qaStaHvIS lup law', qaStaH wanI'vam, 'ej tlhoy tavtaH yaHwIj qach.
'ej QomtaHvIS yav, tagha' jIQubchoH: < that's it; DaH jIHegh >
'a Do' tagha' mevpu' wanI', 'ej jIleSlaH.
earthquakes vImuS jay'.
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