[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: Sup

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Mar 4 07:16:11 PST 2021

Klingon Word of the Day for Thursday, March 04, 2021

Klingon word: 	Sup
Part of speech: 	verb
Definition: 	jump

I jump.  (KLS)

De’vID and Okrand talked (3/01/2019):

De'vID:  Can {ron} [“roll, bank, be rolling”] be used for people, 
        such as in martial arts or gymnastics?
Okrand: Yes... IF it means that the person is rolling haphazardly. 
        If the person is doing a somersault (rolling forwards or back- 
        wards in a reasonably controlled manner), the verb is {Hay}.

pup 	kick (v)
toS  	climb (v)
pum 	fall (v)

N.B.  Do not confuse with the noun {Sup} "resource" (singular only, the plural is {jo}).

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary from the last year or two. I’ve fallen 
    behind in updating my files and adding cross-references for related words.  

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