[tlhIngan Hol] darth bane quote

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Jun 23 06:06:04 PDT 2021

On 6/23/2021 7:47 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> SuStel:
> > *nIbe'HalmoH* also seems a poor
> > substitute for /fail you./ Maybe *reH luj*
> *> DuboQbogh nuv*/people who assist you/
> /> will always fail./ Or maybe he's saying the
> > strength of others will always fail you:
> > *reH SoHvaD luj latlh HoS*/the strength of/
> /> others will always fail for you./
> /
> /
> I didn't like the {belHa'} too.. But when I thought of using the {luj} 
> I wondered whether its' "fail" meaning is of the "not win" kind, or of 
> the "I failed you" kind. I didn't know the answer, so I went with the 
> inferior - for the occasion - {belHa'}.


"The opposite notion [of *Qap,* meaning both /win/ and /function/], 
'lose,' is commonly *luj,* also meaning 'fail.'"

*luj* means both of these things. *Qap* means both /win/ and /function,/ 
because, we are told, "To a Klingon, to win is to function perfectly." 
*luj* is the opposite of *Qap.*

> jIH:
> > juppu', qorDu', latlh negh.. tagha' nIteb
> > SIQnIS nuv.
> SuStel:
> > I'd go with *tagha' nIteb SIQnIS Hoch nuv*
> /> //In the end, each person must endure alone/
> > or *tagha' nIteb SIQnIS nuv tlhIn*/In the/
> /> end, an individual person must endure/
> /> alone./
> /
> /
> You're right on using {Hoch nuv}! I forgot to double-check with the 
> original, so I didn't see the "each person".
> But your suggestion of {nuv tlhIn} confuses me; this use of the verb 
> {tlhIn} seems strange. Reading {nuv tlhIn} gives me the impression 
> that there are many people, and we're talking about someone who is 
> "attributable/particularly associated with something/someone".

It may not have been the best idea. Disregard that suggestion.


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