[tlhIngan Hol] negative imperatives with {not} imperatives with adverbs

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 05:25:23 PDT 2021

> Yes, {not yItor} is correct.
> Marc Okrand wrote several autographs in > people's TKDs (also in mine)
saying {not > yIjegh!} ‘Never surrender!’, so that
> construction is established.

Ok, thanks!

This whole matter is rather strange.. If I read in english "usually study!"
it sounds awkward, but if I read in klingon {motlh yIHaD}, then this is
something I could swallow.

Anyway though, since 'oqranD has used the adverb-imperative combination,
then all is well.

Thank you, vortarulo!

~ Dana'an
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